Canning Applesauce
Servings: 7-8 pints
Prep time: 30
Cook-time :Varies
12 lbs apples, peeled, cored, quartered, treated to prevent browning* and drained (about 36 medium)
3 cups granulated sugar, optional
4 Tbsp lemon juice
8 Ball® (16 oz) pint glass preserving jars with lids and bands
PREPARE boiling
water canner. Heat jars in simmering water until ready for use. Do not boil.
Wash lids in warm soapy water and set bands aside.
COMBINE apples with
just enough water to prevent sticking in a large stainless steel saucepan.
Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and boil gently, stirring
occasionally, for 5 to 20 minutes, until apples are tender (time will depend
upon the variety of apple and their maturity). Remove from heat and let cool
slightly, about 5 minutes.
TRANSFER apples,
working in batches, to a food mill or a food processor fitted with a metal
blade and purée until smooth.
RETURN apple purée to saucepan. Add sugar, if using, and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring frequently to prevent sticking. Maintain a gentle boil over low heat while filling jars.
LADLE hot applesauce
into hot jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe rim. Center
lid on jar. Apply band until fit is fingertip tight.
PROCESS jars in a boiling water canner for 20 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Remove jars and cool. Check lids for seal after 24 hours. Lid should not flex up and down when center is pressed.
I am torn between
re-writing canning directions with my own words, as the directions must be
followed precisely. The manufacturers
doing the testing have written these recipes to follow certain guidelines that
I would not want to make an error in by re-writing.
Please see the following link from Ball/Fresh Preserving Applesauce - and as I am writing this, I have noticed that the link to Ball has changed yet again.
Its important to note that if you live at an
elevation of 1000' or above, you need to adjust your processing times,
and this is a solid
link to this information and will not change as often as Ball feels like
changing their information.
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